Lining the hall are cabinets containing rows and piles of costumes for porn actors, who do their business in a space that can be decorated as a hotel, bedroom, or pretty much anyplace else where men would plausibly have sex.
The waiting room, which has a plethora of adult-film-industry awards on the walls, features a plush white chair, an abstractly shaped wooden table, and a fridge stocked with green juice, almond milk, and water bottles. Located on the second floor of an office building in midtown Manhattan, the place is less a palace of sleaze and more a temple to 21st-century showbiz yuppie living. If you believe the conventional wisdom about the porn industry-that it's falling apart, that there's no money in it, that the studios that once made high-quality films are being supplanted by unwashed amateurs with webcams and stained mattresses-a visit to the immaculate offices of Lucas Entertainment will disabuse you of those notions.